
Richard Branson's Advice to 5 New Startups

Publicado por admonESHIP
miércoles, 01 de mayo de 2013 a las 10:49

When launching a startup, you'll find yourself continually tweaking things about your product or service -- and that's understandable. Everything from the way billing is handled to how your staff greets customers is essential to achieving your business goals. It is during this stage that small suggestions from a mentor on what seem like minor points can have a huge impact.


I was reminded of this recently while spending time with the young founders of five exciting new businesses, who had received funding through a British government program providing loans to startups: Thousand Yard Films, Choclateas, AIM Dance Group, The Scented Jam Jar Company and Baggers Originals. Virgin Money is involved in administering these loans, and so I got to know these new firms rather well. I could see that they are on the right track and have a lot of potential, but like all startups, they're still fine-tuning their offerings, so I decided to offer some tips.


Read more:Advice to 5 New Startups


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