
Spain Startup Map

Spain Startup Map

A real-time graphics of most promising startup hubs and regions

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 03 de junio de 2014 a las 17:45

How many investors are there in Spain? What is the most entrepreneurial region? Which is the sector with more start ups?

Spain Startup Map will help you find answers.

A real-time computer graphics reated to connect and promote the blooming spanish startup ecosystem and its main actors (investors, accelerators, entrepreneurs,...).

The companies listed on Spain Startup Map are added by their owners or other startup-community members and reviewed by the Spain Startup Map team prior to approval. Since 2012, this real-time graphic is continually growing.

You can search by categories different business ideas or new start ups, discover the new markets that comprise the entrepreneurial map of each region -as Valencian Commnunity, at the 3rd position-, where are the biggest investors, and most useful information for know more about the entrepreneur and Spanish business environment. Other feature of this tool is DIVE THE MAP.

Some of the benefits of adding your company is increase your exposure to media, investors, accelerators, entrepreneurs, and the entire world. How to add your company.

·· Connect with Spain Startup Map at [email protected] or at @spstartupmap

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