
Actualidad (Noticia)

116 registros encontrados


28 de septiembre de 2013

Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP)

Based in San Diego, United States

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

Ubi Index

27 de septiembre de 2013

UBI Index: University Business Incubator

European research initiative for assist incubators to become more efficient and competitive

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Financiación

Angel Investors & Entrepreneurs

17 de septiembre de 2013

Planet Dealflow Canada

Web portal and matching service of angel investors seeking investments, with entrepreneurs seeking capital

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Financiación

Texas Entrepreneur Networks

17 de septiembre de 2013

Texas Entrepreneur Networks. USA

Puts startups and mid-market companies in front of Angel Investors around the state

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Financiación

ICT sector Accelerator

17 de septiembre de 2013

Accelerate your Cross-border Engagement with ACE

Accelerating Cross-border Engagement

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

Global Accelerator Network

12 de septiembre de 2013

Global Accelerator Network (GAN)

6 continents, 63 cities, 50 accelerators

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

Gust Website

11 de septiembre de 2013

GUST: Startup Funding & Angel Investing

With over 1,800 startups funded in the last 12 months

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Financiación

10 de septiembre de 2013

Entrepreneurship 101 Series 2013, Toronto - Canada

Lecture videos and resources provide startup business training online to help you start and grow your company

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo


10 de septiembre de 2013

National Business Incubation Association (NBIA). USA

A source for knowledge and networks in business incubation

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

India Networking

04 de septiembre de 2013

MentorEdge, an initiative by Mentors and Experts across India

Hand-holding, mentoring and networking support to innovative start-ups

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Internacionalización

Mumbai Angels

04 de septiembre de 2013

Mumbai Angels, an innovative incubator and holding company

One of India's best performing Angel network

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Internacionalización

Startup Canada Communities

28 de agosto de 2013

Startup Canada Communities

To provide entrepreneurs access to mentors, funding and support to start and grow their businesses

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

EDN Process Diagram

28 de agosto de 2013

Global Entrepreneurship Program & Enterprise Development Network

Global platform dedicated to cultivating Business Enterprises and partnerships around the world

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

Incubators and Accelerators in Asia

26 de agosto de 2013

Where are the startup incubators and accelerators in Asia?

A list of the best 100 incubators and accelerators in Asia Pacific

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Sostenibilidad, Oportunidades

European business networking

23 de agosto de 2013

"Fundación INCYDE" enters the European Business Network

The biggest Spanish incubators network is dedicated to the promotion and training of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Internacionalización


21 de agosto de 2013

What Entrepreneurs Need to Survive

Seven factors beyond entrepreneurs when they start their ventures

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo


17 de agosto de 2013

The Spain-Canada Business Association (SCBA)

With a mission to strengthen ties between Spain and Canada and to promote economic and social interests

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Internacionalización

NFTE is based in New York

15 de agosto de 2013

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

Inspires young entrepreneurs to find their paths to success

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

IBM Global Entrepreneur

13 de agosto de 2013

IBM Global Entrepreneur

Looking for global entrepreneurs who want to build a smarter planet

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Emprendedurismo

Canada Entrepreneur Visa

08 de agosto de 2013

Canada wants entrepreneurs. Start Up Visa Program 2013

The first of its kind in the world to recruit innovative entrepreneurs to Canada

Entrepreneurship | Noticia | Sostenibilidad, Oportunidades

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