
EBN a european network for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship

Publicado por admonESHIP
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013 a las 11:45

The European Business & Innovation Centre Network was set up in 1984 as a joint initiative of the European Commission, European industry leaders and the first pioneering Business and Innovation Centres.

EBN is now the leading non-governmental pan-European network bringing together 200+ Business & Innovation Centres (BICs), and similar organisations such as incubators, innovation and entrepreneurship centres across the enlarged Europe.

BICs are organisations which promote innovation and entrepreneurship. They help enterprises to innovate; they drive the creation of start-ups (support to innovation, incubation and internationalisation) and they promote economic development through job and enterprise creation and development.

The network is therefore an umbrella organisation bringing together over 200 BICs from all around Europe and beyond. It provides help and support to these BICs by acting as an interface with other organisations including the European Commission (which officially recognises EBN), by providing expertise in numerous areas including funding and by stimulating the sharing of best practices.

EBN follows closely the European Union Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies and is developing ‘hub and spoke’ networking connections with the rest of the world.

There are four CEEI centres in the Comunidad Valenciana:

- CEEI Alcoy (Alcoy Alicante)

- CEEI Castellón (Castellon de la Plana)

- CEEI Elche (Elche Alicante)

- CEEI Valencia (Paterna)

Click the link for more information: EBN-European BIC

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