
How to make international networking online?

Knows the tools to build and expand your international networking online

Publicado por LauraSL
domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013 a las 17:13

International business requires an international network, there are obvious obstacles to networking in person with people who live in other countries, but now we have online resources that can be the key to internationalize your business and to get your idea, product or service anywhere in the world, and these obstacles can be easily overcome with an online networking and social interaction. Besides Facebook, Twitter and most popular social networks, here are some tips and resources to expand your international business effectively:


1) Start to join International Groups and Networks.


Online business groups, e-mail lists, and international networking sites are easy ways for getting involved in online discussions that include international voices.


· LinkedIn: The main social network for work professionals in North America.

· Viadeo: Like LinkedIn, but oriented for European business.

· Xing: Like LinkedIn, but has a stronger presence in Europe.

· Ushi.cn: The main business networking platform for China.

· Orkut: This is Google's social networking site, which is quite popular in Brazil and India.

· Sandbox Network: A global community for young entrepreneurial people.

· Meetup: With a strong presence in North America, allows you to search for networking events and meetings by interest and location.

· GeeksOnaPlane: Promotes cultural exchange through technology and entrepreneurship.

· Biznik: A community of entrepreneurs and small businesses dedicated to helping each other succeed.

· Cofoundr: A community for entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, investors, and other individuals involved with starting new ventures.

· E.Factor: An online community and virtual marketplace designed for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs.

· PartnerUp: A community connecting small business owners and entrepreneurs.


2) Join International Conferences and Webinars Online.


Most of the major international conferences and seminars offering strong resources for participate online, there are a lot of webinars and live-streamed conferences out there that you can join.


Points out important dates on your calendar and be sure to create a good professional profile and participate in forums and working groups of your interest, this is a easy and effective way to expand your contact's network.


For example, if your objective is North America, here's a list of the most important events that take place each year.


3) Make Your Web Presence Internationally Accessible, Easily and Friendly.


One of the most important points to create a strong international presence is making good use of the possibilities of the Internet. And one of the keys to reach different markets, cultures and people is to make it as accessible and easy as possible get information about your business.


One of the main barriers is the language, but there are powerful and effective resources like WordPress plug-in called Global Translator that automatically translates your site into 48 different languages.


4) Keep in mind the Classical Online Strategies of doing Business and Networking.


Learn and investigates how works professionals networking in each country. It’s effective understanding that different networking sites are popular in different countries. This map uses data from Alexa and Google to show which sites are the most popular in each country.


And don' t forget that Facebook or Twitter are worldwide huge platforms used by millions of people. Keep activated and with a strong presence your business on it, always work.

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