
Entrepreneurship 101 Series 2013, Toronto - Canada

Lecture videos and resources provide startup business training online to help you start and grow your company

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013 a las 06:27

Entrepreneurship 101 is MaRS’s flagship free weekly lecture series featuring key topics related to starting a successful business, aimed at social innovators, technology and life sciences researchers and trainees. These lecture videos and related resources provide startup business training online to help you start and grow your company. Topics include funding your business, marketing, recruiting, intellectual property and more.

This course is designed to introduce members of the research and academic community to issues relating to starting and growing a business. It is especially aimed at graduate students, post-docs, faculty, technicians and others active in research in a scientific or engineering discipline, those who have an interest in creating a company to exploit the results of their research, and those interested in social innovation.

Them free 30-week course covers the nuts and bolts of building a business for emerging entrepreneurs and those thinking of starting a business.

Learn how to:

- Develop your product

- Define your market

- Hire and lead teams

- Protect your intellectual property

- Raise capital

- Sell your product or service

Attend in person or click to access the course online through the Entrepreneur’s Toolkit.

2.448 visitas

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