
Startup Acceleration by CRDF Global

Several programs to accelerate the development of innovative early-stage companies internationally

Publicado por LauraSL
jueves, 07 de noviembre de 2013 a las 04:09

CRDF Global offers a comprehensive suite of programs designed to accelerate the development of innovative early-stage companies internationally, through projects like the Global Innovation through Science and Technology initiative and the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program.

CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training and services. CRDF Global is based in Arlington, Virginia with offices in Moscow, Russia; Kyiv, Ukraine; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Amman, Jordan.

·· Competitive Funding

Through its business pitch and business plan competitions, E&I programs identify and support the most promising technology entrepreneurs and startups. Using written reviews and feedback from actual business experts, face-to-face and virtual mentoring and coaching, the competitions prepare participants to formulate their value proposition and attract future investments.

·· Business Mentoring

Business mentoring is a crucial element of success for early stage entrepreneurs. CRDF Global’s Business Mentors Network is comprised of successful entrepreneurs, practicing venture capitalists, angel investors, and technology commercialization experts from the United States and Europe. Mentors serve as business advisors, business plan reviewers, event panelists, and coaches, often traveling abroad to work directly with teams and to judge events.

·· Startup Boot Camps

Boot camps are interactive global events that offer creative environments where aspiring entrepreneurs brainstorm ideas, learn critical business development skills, and receive one-on-one mentoring from US coaches in business development and technology commercialization.

·· U.S. Investor Roadshow

E&I programs organize customized U.S.. Investor Roadshows for the most promising entrepreneurs to feature their showcase ready technologies. Among the implementers of the networking trips are the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program and the Global Initiative through Science and Technology. During the trip, participants visit entrepreneurship and innovation hubs across the U.S., network with peers and pitch their technologies to American investors.

·· Virtual Video Forums

Using events like GIST TechConnect, entrepreneurs all over the world have a unique opportunity to connect with and ask questions in real-time to a panel of high-profile entrepreneurs. Past TechConnect events have engaged more than 6,000 participants from 25 countries with speakers like Jeff Hoffman, former CEO of Priceline.com, and Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari.

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