
3G-STPs website is finally online

Keep being updated about Science and Technology Parks

Publicado por LauraSL
sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013 a las 20:18

3rd Generation Science and Technology Parks (3G-STPs) project will develop a comprehensive and structured 3rd generation STP training programme (3G-STPs) to further build on the capabilities within the management teams. The main objectives are to improve upon the STP managers by developing appropriate training methods and techniques which help them deliver to the needs of their target group in a more customised manner. Long-term support to STP managers is important in order to ensure the sustainability of these activities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and one of the main focus areas is the Commercialisation & Exploitation of the project results to better support STP managers and to generate employment opportunities, and also aims to identify the main needs, knowledge gaps, skills, and resources required for STP managers in order to perform effectively and to meet challenges.

Training programme

The training programme will address the main challenges of the identified STP managers. Given the high complexity of the profession and lack of time for trainings, the consortium will introduce innovative learning elements. The training package will be based on best practice examples of STP management worldwide with elaborate case studies. Each case study will provide a roadmap methodology on how the best practice can be better transferred and adopted in another STP with lessons learned and do’s and don’ts. Such approach will enable STP managers to immediately apply the gained knowledge into the strategy of their own STP. The training will offer a blended delivery method including a modular e-course with the virtual coach tool support.

2.622 visitas

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