
Wayra Call 2014

Wayra Call 2014

For entrepreneurs to change the future of digital businesses

Hasta el miércoles, 00 de de 0000

The process to become one of the new start-ups accelerated by Wayra in its spaces in Barcelona (5 spots), Buenos Aires (8 spots), Madrid (5 spots), Dublin (10 spots), Munich (8 spots), Mexico City (10 spots), Lima (10 spots) and Santiago de Chile (10 spots) will remain open until 8 June.

Wayra is looking for companies that work with the ideas of the Internet of Everything and Smart Cities, Big Data for retail businesses and vertical sectors such as transport and logistics, and the Future Web, which is understood as the development and promotion of the ecosystem of applications that squeezes all of the potential out of HTML5.

For this WayraCall they have decided to give priority to certain areas, so if your project is related to new products or solutions in the field of Products and Services for Retail, Productivity Tools and Communication Services, they will pay special attention to it during the preliminary assessment.

The selected products will receive the support of international experts and mentors to advance their technological projects, and an injection of 40,000 Euros, with Wayra holding a stake of between 7% and 10% of the company.

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