
Startup Open competition 2014

The last day to submit a complete application is September 16, 2014

Hasta el miércoles, 00 de de 0000

Startup Open is a competition to recognize and reward startups and the entrepreneurs behind them. It is open to any entrepreneurs who have just started, or are about to start, a new venture between November 25, 2013, and November 16, 2014.

Startup Open will announce and recognize the global GEW 50, 50 of the most promising ventures from around the world, which will be selected by a range of criteria including strength of concept, growth projections, and knowledge of the market.

Applicants will have until September 16 to submit their startup. On October 15, the GEW 50 will be announced. Those companies will have until October 18 to review the judges’ comments and tweak their applications. The final round of judges will tally their scores and announce the winners during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2014 (November 17-23, 2014).


·· All the information HERE

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Startup Open competition 2014  

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