
XXII Brazilian National Seminar on Science Parks and Business Incubation

With the XX Anprotec Workshop, initiatives on promoting entrepreneurship

Comienzo: el lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012 a las 14:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012 a las 18:00


Parque Tecnológico Itaipu

Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves, 6731

Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná - Brasil


Telefone: (55 45) 3576-7200

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XXII National Seminar on Technology Parks and Business Incubators & XX Anprotec Workshop

XXII National Seminar on Technology Parks and Business Incubators

Since its first edition in 1987 this event has been the propeller for the innovative entrepreneurship movement, bringing into the debate fundamental topics to the social economical development not only in Brazil and its multifaceted geographic constitution, but also in different regions in the world.

In the Seminar, you have the opportunity to learn about successful models and actions in several areas related to the movement: from education to culture, not ignoring science systems, technology and innovation and initiatives on promoting entrepreneurship, of course. Together, authorities, researchers, entrepreneurs, public servants among others, seek and find solutions for the main challenges imposed to sustainable development.

This National Seminar represents a unique opportunity for those participating in the innovative entrepreneurship, allowing knowledge improvement, proposal analyses, experience sharing and reflection, especially over a future which does not belong to the movement only, but to the entire society.

In 2012, they celebrated the 25th anniversary of Anprotec, a moment which represents the maturity of the Brazilian innovative entrepreneurship, the XXII National Seminar on Technology Parks and Business Incubators will have the function of celebrating achievements and, in particular, determining how we could contribute to building a more even society which generates and shares success through innovation. As the main topic suggests, the event will show how technology parks and business incubators can contribute to the generation of new development routes in the regions where they are located.


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