
Global Eco Forum 2012. Barcelona, Spain

An international multi-stakeholders event towards sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

Comienzo: el jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012 a las 20:00


La Pedrera (Casa Milá)

Provença, 261 - 265




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Global Eco Forum 2012

The Global Eco Forum is an international multi-stakeholders event that promotes dialogue, deep thinking and interaction, an essential meeting point for opinion leaders and agents of change towards sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

In eco-union We know that to face the important challenges of the twenty-first century is crucial, now more than ever, the active participation of all sectors of society. This participation and teamwork are the elements that can guarantee a key weight to encourage us, as citizens, to become true agents of change. The mission of eco-union focuses on the generation of these agents of change in the different sectors of society, public administration, economic and social actors to catalyze the transition towards sustainability.

This fifth edition of the Global Eco Forum takes place in the framework of consolidated and interconnected environmental, social and economic crisis. The state of the planet, exhaustively discussed at the recent symposium "Planet under Pressure", is dangerously close to a tipping point with unknown consequences.

In this context the Mediterranean region appears as a representation, on a small scale, of rising opportunities and challenges towards global sustainability and innovation. This geographical area has the human, cultural and historic capability to build an area of ​​prosperity and lasting peace. But it also suffers dramatically the impact of climate change and rising tensions to access to scarce and valuable natural resources vital for human development.

The Global Eco Forum 2012 continues to explore and reflect on these complex issues and try to imagine novel solutions based on collaboration and partnerships between different sectors of society: NGO, scientists, academics, entrepreneurs, businesses and public bodies.


When and Where

From Thursday 25 October and Friday 26 October 2012 in Barcelona, ​​Casa Mila, this building is known as La Pedrera, designed by architect Gaudi. Emblematic space located in downtown Barcelona and well connected.

Livestreaming channel

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