
C100 Organization. Canada & Silicon Valley

Supports technology entrepreneurship through mentorship, partnership and investment.

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 05 de noviembre de 2013 a las 18:12

The C100 is a non-profit, member-driven organization that supports Canadian technology entrepreneurship through mentorship, partnership and investment. The C100 Organizing Committee is comprised of an intrepid group of Silicon Valley-based members who are responsible in their spare time for most of what that goes on here.

In 2010 C100 was born from a group of successful Silicon Valley business people from Canada discovered a mutual desire to support the next generation of Canadian entrepreneurs and help build the next billion dollar Canadian tech company.

The C100 hosts events and organizes mentorship programs that connect Canadian entrepreneurs with their Charter Members, including a program that brings early-stage Canadian C100 Companies together for "48hrs in the Valley".

~ Some of the programs are:

· 48hrs in the Valley: Twice a year they invite 20 of Canada's most promising startups to the Silicon Valley for two days of mentorship, workshops, investor meetings, strategic partner visits and networking.

· CTA-Mentoring: Once a month C100 Charter Members spend a few hours with the companies that are taking part in the Canadian Technology Accelerator in San Francisco and Sunnyvale.

· C100 Cleantech: Reaches entrepreneurs through two central programs a year - one in Canada in conjunction with our partners at SDTC and one 48hrs in the Valley program dedicated to cleantech companies.

· C100UK: Is its their section of the C100 based in London aiming to be a gateway to european markets. With mentorship, partnership and investment, assisting in the growth of a new generation of successful Canadian-led technology companies.

Contact: [email protected]

·· Funding Partners

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