
Canadian Digital Media Soft-Landing Program

How do you build a successful digital media company in Canada?

Publicado por LauraSL
miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013 a las 17:20

The Canadian Digital Media Soft-Landing Program (CDMN) offers qualified, mature startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) exposure to business opportunities around the world. It provides the opportunity to work from a partnered business accelerator to obtain regional support and resources for the right connections to help open new markets, close international sales or connect with new partners. The program will not only serve to help internationalize Canadian businesses abroad; CDMN has landing options for non-Canadian startups and SMEs looking to land in Canada.

To date, 47 companies have had the opportunity to enter 17 foreign markets and identify more than $30 million in new business and investment opportunities – representing a return on investment of greater than 30 to 1.

Successful candidates of the Outbound Soft-Landing Program will receive up to $4,000CDN in reimbursable expenses to help offset travel and hotel stay costs.Companies landing at partnered business accelerators will also have the costs associated with their desk space and services covered by CDMN for up to three months.

Applicant companies will be evaluated based on several criteria, including: whether they have generated revenue in the past six-to-12 months, the current stage of their business or product, the viability of the goals and objectives outlined in the application, and the support they are seeking from the landing facility.

Applications close Friday, November 29, 2013

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