
New Enterprise Forum (NEF)

Linking entrepreneurs with management expertise, venture partners, business services & capital

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013 a las 18:47

New Enterprise Forum (NEF) is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1986 to help entrepreneurs prosper and grow. For more than 25 years they've linked entrepreneurs to management expertise, potential joint venture partners, mentors, business services, capital, and other critical resources.

Since its founding, NEF has been a model for similar groups and a magnet for entrepreneurs and investors throughout Michigan and the Midwest. Their success has captured national media attention and is unique among organizations of its kind in longevity, dynamism, and the number of deals assisted.

Their monthly forum provides an evening of learning, sharing experiences and making essential business contacts. Features of thir forum include: networking, speakers discussing issues pertinent to entrepreneurs, showcase presenters offering new investment oportunities, and Open Forum where all meeting attendees may introduce themselves and their business needs.

The NEF process encourages all participants to continually learn, contribute, and grow. Program Committee coaching teams of experienced business professionals help aspiring showcase presenters prepare a winning "pitch" to attract investors and other critical resources.

NEF helps entrepreneurs get answers, establish strategic alliances, and build strong viable companies. During meeting networking and Open Forum, attendees can introduce themselves and their businesses, locate needed resources or talents, and begin to build relationships to help their ventures grow. NEF's membership includes investors, university officials, government representatives, legal and accounting firms, marketing and management consultants, and entrepreneurs.

2.065 visitas

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