
On Leadership at Washington Post: Management Stories

A reference forum with an Emmy-winning video series: intimate stories shared by leaders

Publicado por LauraSo
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012 a las 09:33

On Leadership by The Washington Post serve as an open and lively forum for a discussion of what makes for great leadership. This is an excellent resource for keep informed of the latest news and know the views of experts and world leaders. Through, among other recourses, news, features, analysis, opinions, books and quality references, or the successful video series "Micro" Management Stories.

Over the years, there have been many books written on the subject, and there are now a good number of academic programs and consulting firms that study and teach it. The world is also full of successful leaders who have developed their own sense of what works and what doesn’t. The On Leadership aim is to tap into that knowledge and experience and apply it, in real time, to an online conversation about real-world developments.

At On Leadership, the mission is to break down the walls between silos by getting experts and readers with varying backgrounds and perspectives to address the same topics at the same time and at the same place. To this end, the section features a number of content types, from the daily Post Leadership blog and biweekly video series to Q&As and guest op-eds.

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