
3 Metrics That Really Matter for Your Start-up

Publicado por admonESHIP
martes, 07 de mayo de 2013 a las 09:07

On tech news blogs, it’s common to see companies boasting about how many millions of users they have. But while user numbers can be a great indicator of general interest, they do little to tell the actual health of a company. After all, having 10 million users who register and then never come back is very different from 10 million active users.

So, when it comes to your own start-up, it’s important to focus on the stats that really matter—the ones that show both where your company is now and where it’s going. While each start-up has its own unique metrics that are important, here are three categories that are almost universal.

1. How Engaged are Your Users?

A person who signs up for your website but never does anything has little to no value. So, instead of counting the number of sign-ups, look at what your users are doing. What percent come back a second time? Third time? How many people use your site every month? Every day? And when users are on your site, what do they do? How much time do they spend?

Read more:http://www.thedailymuse.com/entrepreneurship/3-metrics-that-really-matter-for-your-start-up/

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