
Business Booster Program, Spain 2013

Spanish Accelerator for projects based on internet and smartphone apps businesses

Publicado por LauraSL
miércoles, 04 de septiembre de 2013 a las 03:52

Business Booster is a Startup Factory. It’s an accelerator born in 2010 as the first accelerator in Spain to boost projects based on internet and smartphone apps businesses. They actively collaborate, guide and embrace the projects to transform them in successful online companies. They’re focused on making easier the hard apth of entrepreneurship.

The objective is making your beginning costless. Business Booster facilitates the office space, related services and infrastructure for the best take-off of your startup. You will be working on a great entrepreneur habitat, sharing knowledge and lessons with other innovative projects, helping your project become successful.

Furthermore, they will put you in contact with a great net of Buiness Angels and investment funds. The projects will gain access to a great net of Business Angels and potential customers. By the end of the program, every team will be presenting their projects in a forum of well known investors in online businesses. It’s possibly the best opportunity for you to get funding.


· September 15: 6ed Aplication ends

· October: Interviews and Bbooster Weeks

· November 18: Acceleration


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