
Texas Entrepreneur Networks. USA

Puts startups and mid-market companies in front of Angel Investors around the state

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013 a las 05:39

The Texas Entrepreneur Networks puts startups and mid-market companies in front of Angel Investors around the state. They help entrepreneurs build relationships with prospective investors in their network and mentor them throughout the process. This provides to entrepreneurs with the best opportunity possible to gain investment capital through their network or Angel Investors and Venture Capital Firms.

To date, they’ve helped entrepreneur in the state of Texas raise over $60 Million in capital for their businesses in the last two years. For the full list, click here.

The Texas Entrepreneur Networks offers custom consulting packages in the following areas:

Fundraising Services

- Pitch readiness

- Assessments and valuations

- Fund raising strategies

- Investor introductions

- Investor Communications

Strategic Marketing Services

- Growth strategy development

- Market positioning and competitive analysis

- Go-to-market strategies

- Sales program development

- Marketing program development

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