
30 start-ups supported by Dublin BIC to create 218 jobs over the next year

Dublin Business Innovation Centre

Publicado por LauraSL
jueves, 07 de noviembre de 2013 a las 05:27

Over the past 25 years Dublin BIC has built up an impressive track record of innovation and delivery, making a tangible contribution to Ireland’s economy:

· Creation of over 568 new businesses, now directly employing over 5,566 people

· Development of Ireland’s first private institutional seed fund

· Management of the €53 million AIB Seed Capital Fund

· Investment of over €70 million in 167 businesses

· Development of first formal Angels network and investment of over €30 million on behalf of the Halo Business Angel Partnership

· Creation of Ireland’s first private incubation space and ongoing development of the 6,000 sq ft Guinness Enterprise Centre

· Support of 491 businesses through the Guinness Enterprise Centre

· Involvement with over 5,970 aspiring entrepreneurs and provision of business plan assistance for over 1,635 new ideas

93% of entrepreneurial start-ups backed by Dublin BIC expect to increase employment over the next 12 months according to a DKM Economic Consultants study(*). The new jobs will be created across a range of some 30 entrepreneurial firms including Davra Networks, EmpowerTheUser, iCabbi, Learnosity, MMSOFT Design, OpenJaw Technologies, Point of Care, Stratus5 and SafeFood 360.The DKM report found that, in 2012, Dublin BIC backed entrepreneurial start-ups employed 2,428 people directly and were responsible for another 2,032 indirect jobs.

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