
American Dream Seekers 2014

Entrepreneurial Competition 2014

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The main objective for this edition of American Dream Seekers competition is to discover the next generation of successful entrepreneurs, inventors, creators and innovators.

There is a submission round, application round, background check, and video pitch.

Fifty semi final teams will make presentations throughout the day on October 25, 2014 in Fort Myers, Florida.

Five teams will be chosen as finalists competing for funding from investor, venture capital judges. In addition, there is a guaranteed $5000 prize to the best team and in kind benefits, as legal and accounting services for example.

Their goal is to provide the platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their business creations to a team of successful, highly talented business leaders and to a large audience of potential investors, peers, friends and family. It is their ultimate goal to provide a path of opportunity for every new business venture to get noticed and to achieve whatever resources are needed to get to the next level.

·· Submission Date


·· Business Plan Submission Date


·· Awards Date



· All the information: americandreamseekers.com


APPLY NOW - The deadline for round one submissions is June 13, 2014.

Fuente original del contenido:

American Dream Seekers  

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