
Spain-Republic of South Africa Business Encounter 2012

As part of the programs for the internationalization of Spanish businesses

Comienzo: el lunes, 08 de octubre de 2012 a las 10:00
Finaliza: el martes, 09 de octubre de 2012 a las 18:00




Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA


Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX)
Paseo de la Castellana, 14-16
28046 MADRID
Dept. of Business Cooperation
Phone number: 913496483-1949
Fax: 91 575 9618

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Apoyo Financiero a la Internacionalización empresarial

Innovation - Internationalization

The Spanish Secretariat of State for Trade, through the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade - ICEX and the Trade Commission at the Spanish Embassy in Johannesburg, organize a Business Encounter in Johannesburg on 8 and 9 October 2012, as part of the programs for the internationalization of Spanish businesses.

The main goal of this Business Meeting is to help identify investment and business cooperation opportunities (investment and implementation projects and participation in tenders), as well as potential partners in South Africa. During this event, you will be able to make direct contact with South African businessmen to establish strategic alliances to materialize investment projects by Spanish companies and to receive first-hand details on the investment opportunities in this country.

The South African economy represents 25% of the total GDP for Africa, similar to Argentina, and over 50% of Sub-Saharan Africa. It is also the only African member of the G-20 and the BRICS. It is a developing economy with medium-level income that has significant sources of natural resources. In recent years, it was a first-line destination for direct foreign investment, coming in at 35th in 2012 in the global ranking, according to the list prepared by "The World Bank / Doing Business".

The sectors considered priority for this Encounter were selected based on the existing opportunities, and include Renewable Energies, Transportation, Water Treatment and Associated Infrastructures and Broadband Network Installation Services.

The activity described may be financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER), for which the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade is the executive entity.

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