
Gary Hamel, the future of management

Facebook Generation vs. Fortune 500

Publicado por LauraS
jueves, 02 de agosto de 2012 a las 11:00

The Northamerican Gary Hamel, celebrated management thinker, world-renowed author and speaker, business thought leader and co-founder of the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) -an online community where the world’s most progressive business leaders share their ideas on how to build organizations for the future-, give the keys to take advantage of new generations for change the current management model.


In this case we speak about his proposal for reinventing management for the 21st century, and new generations advantages for future management. When he wrote the interesting reflection on Wall Street Journal in 2009, he look at new ways of manangement. His approach is to recognise that people joing companies now, are those that have never known a time where there was no Internet or Email, they have always lived life online. The result is different expectations of a working environment.


Gary compiled a list with the post-bureaucratic realities that tomorrow’s employees will use as yardsticks in determining whether your company is with it or past it. Those that are most at odds with the legacy practices found in large companies. That could help shape the way we think and act, and how we develop our working environments, how recruit, or how we hold meetings.


12 work-relevant characteristics of online life

1. All ideas compete on an equal footing.

2. Contribution counts for more than credentials.

3. Hierarchies are natural, not prescribed.

4. Leaders serve rather than preside.

5. Tasks are chosen, not assigned.

6. Groups are self-defining and -organizing.

7. Resources get attracted, not allocated.

8. Power comes from sharing information, not hoarding it.

9. Opinions compound and decisions are peer-reviewed.

10. Users can veto most policy decisions.

11. Intrinsic rewards matter most.

12. Hackers are heroes.


According to Hamel, these features of Web-based life are written into the social DNA of Facebook Generation. And mostly missing from the managerial DNA of the average Fortune 500 company.


What Matters Now

Leaders today confront a world where the unprecedented is the norm. The key is if your company hopes to attract the most creative and energetic members of Facebook Generation, it will need to understand these Internet-derived expectations, and then reinvent its management practices accordingly.


Over the past twenty years this open innovation fan has changed the management vision around the world. His new book shows you how to win in a world of relentless change, ferocious competition, and unstoppable innovation. Learn more and read an exclusive excerpt at the MIX.


More information

Gary Hamel website

Gray Hamel Twitter

Managent Innovation Exchange

Gary Hamel Videos



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