

Publicado por admonESHIP
viernes, 01 de marzo de 2013 a las 13:34

What is EGarage?

The EGarage is a new space created for ESADE students aimed at providing them with the resources and environment to start new business ideas: a place for making things happen!


It is a polyvalent space, with moveable furniture, that allows you to work in one single room, or in up to four distinct zones, in two areas:

Entrepreneurship: EGarage

- Work zone

- Networking and chill-out zone, kitchen and message board

Innovation: I-School

- Teaching zone: capacity for 40/50 participants

- Work zone with 6 separate spaces, separated by white boards, with bar-style tables


- To be the launch pad for new businesses created by ESADE students.

- Act as meeting point for student entrepreneurs, EEI faculty and tutors, and ESADECREAPOLIS.

- Position us as a key point of reference in the entrepreneurship sector


- To apply in a practical way what is taught and learnt about on the ESADE programmes.

- So that others, who are thinking about entrepreneurship, are encouraged to take the leap.

- Because many students are getting business projects going and need (indeed ask for) support.


- Students on the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIE)

- ESADE-Sant Cugat students that are setting up a company with the approval of the EEI (BBA, MSc, MBA)

- ESADE Entrepreneurship clubs : E3, MBA Entrepreneurship Club

- Entrepreneurs-in-residence

More information:Egarage

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