
"Fundación INCYDE" enters the European Business Network

The biggest Spanish incubators network is dedicated to the promotion and training of entrepreneurship

Publicado por LauraSL
viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013 a las 17:40

The INCYDE Foundation (Chamber Institute for the Creation and Development of Business) is entirely dedicated to the promotion and training of entrepreneurship, the qualification of entrepreneurs and the creation and consolidation of businesses. Since then they have broadly contributed to the generation of jobs and new businesses as well as the adaptation of innovative companies to new markets through their high-quality training programmes.

Inspired by the entrepreneurship mindset of the Chambers of Commerce, they comply with the training and structural role of the Chambers of Commerce in the network of incubators that the Foundation provides to new entrepreneurs.

One of the largest networks of incubators in Europe

Through the operational programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), INCYDE has created and put into operation a large network of incubators throughout Spain which counts 96 incubators where entrepreneurs can find an ideal environment to start their business.

Space Technology Transfer

INCYDE and the free trade zone of Vigo, as agents involved in the promotion of new business initiatives, are aware of the need to encourage innovation and have decided to start an incubator dedicated to the Space Technology Transfer to SMEs in Vigo in order to make a qualitative jump forward in the application of advanced technologies in Spanish SMEs. This centre should be launched by the end of 2015. Their last congress marked the milestone of the kick-off of the 'Spain Business Aerospace Incubator'.

Training offer

The training programme offered by INCYDE are based on three different elements:

• A specific methodology in continuous development and adapted to the needs of entrepreneurs;

• The individual assessment of each participant in the design of his/her business in a sustainable perspective as well as in his/her business plan;

• The follow up of the project and the creation of the company.

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