
Are looking to expand your education as an entrepreneur?

Free online courses from prestigious American institutions

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013 a las 07:20

September is the month for new academic projects, if you're looking to expand your formation as an entrepreneur, there are many online resources for your target. Today we present some suggestions of free online courses for entrepreneurs from some of the most prestigious institutions in the United States.


Currently you can participate in the courses they offer, learn from entrepreneurship gurus, participate in discussion forums, find like minded and answers to your questions, make online practices in prestige institutions and make networking around the world. All without having to move and at your own pace.


· Standford University - Technology Entrepreneurship

This course introduces the fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in Silicon Valley and now spreading across the world. You will learn the process technology entrepreneurs use to start companies. This is the second offering of the class. Last time, nearly 40,000 students from around the world participated and worked in teams together. The top teams were matched with Silicon Valley mentors, and the best teams at the end of the class pitched their ideas to investors.


· Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Asia-Pacific.

This course enables teams of students to work with the top management of global start-ups and gain experience in running, and consulting to, a new enterprise outside the United States. The focus is on start-ups operating in emerging markets throughout the world, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region. The course combines a remote internship in a growing firm with in-class discussions of the issues and policies that affect the climate for innovation and start-up success around the world.


· Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The course examines how entrepreneurs can shape their firms so that they continuously build and commercialize valuable innovations. Many of the examples also focus on how established firms can become more entrepreneurial in their approach to innovation. This course discusses the basics every manager needs to organize successful technology-driven innovation in both entrepreneurial and established firms.


· University of Virginia - Foundations of Business Strategy

Learn how to analyze an organization's strategy and make recommendations to improve its value creation by building your strategist's toolkit. You will develop your ability to think strategically by providing you the tools for conducting a strategic analysis.


· University of Maryland - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies

This course assists aspiring entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is ever present.


· Stanford University - Entrepreneurship Through the Lens of Venture Capital

The course explores how successful startups navigate funding, managing, and scaling their new enterprise. This process is explored through guest lectures and mentorship from experienced venture capital investors and seasoned entrepreneurs who manage these issues on a daily basis in Silicon Valley.

Course themes: customer value equation, board management, market strategy, company culture, and hyper growth.


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