
There Are Few Minority Entrepreneurs...

... And They Rarely Get Funding

Publicado por LauraSL
miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013 a las 18:34

Minority entrepreneurs made up just 8.5% of the people pitching their businesses to angel investors in the first half of 2013, according to a report on the angel market by the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Venture Research.


A quarter of the $9.7 billion invested in the first half of 2013 made its way into software investment, while healthcare services such as in-patient and out-patient facilities, health insurers and medical devices, got 21% of the cash. On the other side of the desk, minority angels accounted for just 4.5% of the angel population.


The number of female angels is still dismally low, making up just 18% of investors. But there’s some hope – while far less women than men are seeking angel money, the number of females who had pitches supported was higher than average, with 24% receiving funds.


Not only are female startups more successful at receiving funding – they’re more successful, period. A 2012 study by Dow Jones reported that 61% of startups with five or more females were successful and only 39% failed. No wonder Etsy recently grew their number of female engineers by 500% in 12 months – a case for affirmative action hiring that reflects Etsy’s 80% female customer base.


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Source: Forbes.com

Author: Natalie Robehmed



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