
Do you have a business idea that would be perfect for New York City?

NYC Next Idea Global New Venture Competition

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 22 de octubre de 2013 a las 03:53

NYC Next Idea Global New Venture Competition invites teams from around the world to submit their business ideas that can be launched and operated in New York City. The NYC Next Idea competition provides students and recent alumni of schools around the world the opportunity to access substantial funding ($35,000) and support to implement their business ideas in New York City. The early deadline for business summaries is October 28th. The final deadline is November 11th.

They are looking for teams of 2-5 participants who have new and innovative ideas that could be commercially viable in New York City. For example, an idea could complement one of the major industries found in NYC such as fashion, financial services, media, technology, or biosciences, or could more broadly address issues that the city faces as a result of its infrastructure, economy, geography, demographics, and space limitations.

Six teams of finalists will win a five-day, all-expenses-paid trip to New York City during the Spring 2014 to participate in the final round of the Competition, which will be hosted at Columbia University. Prizes include a cash pool of $35,000, free workspace in NYC, pro bono legal advice and mentorship from the NYC venture capital and startup community.


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