
Tips for Choosing Your Business Location in the United States

Particularities of business in USA

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 22 de octubre de 2013 a las 19:20

Doing business in America can be easier than in other countries. Almost any business service imaginable already exists. It’s remarkably easy for startups to leverage this pro-business climate and appear like a mature, big business from day one. American business culture often appears to be excessively informal to Europeans, previous research and knowledge of the business culture of the country is crucial to business success in the United States.


Learn about Business Culture in USA.


Most industries in the U.S. have very clear, defined rules of conduct. It’s crucial to know how things work. Americans often take a “business-first” approach, with personal relationships playing a smaller role than in many other cultures. Check internet resources like World Business Culture.


Check if the area is business friendly.


USA is a huge country, with laws that can be very different depending on the state. Understanding laws and regulations imposed on businesses in a particular location is essential. Local community resources such as SBA Offices, Small Business Development Centers, Regional Offices, and other government-funded programs specifically support small businesses. Check what programs and support of the state government and local community offer to small businesses. Many states offer online tools to help small business owners start up and succeed.


Evaluate other financial consideration.


Besides determining your finances and what you can afford, you will need to be aware of other financial considerations as Hidden Costs like space renovation or IT system upgrades. The Taxes and Minimun Wage Rates of each state, you can check the Department of Labor’s list of minimum wage rates by state. And stay up to date about the Economic Incentives and Trends.


Determine your business needs.


Not all companies will function identically with the country, every business has needs that are best suited to a zone or other. Besides costumers, there are other factors and needs to consider as competition, plan for future growth, proximity to suppliers, brand image or safety.




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