
Dolomite’s Productizing Science® Competition 2013

Looking for scientific discoveries and microfluidic inventions

Publicado por LauraSL
miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013 a las 04:46

Dolomite’s Productizing Science® Competition challenges the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of researchers, scientists and engineers providing them with the opportunity to propose a novel scientific discovery related to microfluidics and turn it into a commercial product.

Dolomite usually works with partners around the world to develop products on their behalf in order to generate revenues. As part of this competition, they offer their extensive experience and product development expertise to productize your scientific invention.

If you/your team win/s this competition, you will gain access to Dolomite's outstanding R&D capabilities turning your scientific discovery into a commercially successful product. Dolomite will work with you free of charge and sign a commercial agreement on terms to be agreed with the winner/winning team to share the rewards.

If you have discovered some key science but are struggling to work out how to productize on the idea, either financially, technically or commercially, then the competition may be right for you.

Deadline to submit abstracts: 25th November 2013


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