
Innovation Insights: An Interview with Susan Yashinsky, Sphere Trending

By Vicki Matranga

Publicado por LauraSL
martes, 03 de diciembre de 2013 a las 06:22

Susan Yashinsky has been with Sphere Trending for 11 years and leads the macro division for consumer and retail trend insights. Prior to this position, she was a head merchant for home products for a major retailer and also spent many years in marketing and market research. Susan is a frequent speaker at conferences and also a featured blogger for the international Consumer Goods blog.


Susan, what is the exciting part of your job? What inspires your passion in your work?

I am inspired by the fast pace of change that is occurring right now as the world connects globally on all fronts and technology leads us into a new era. Our company specializes in consumer insights and design and right now we are very focused on the two big segments driving the future – Gen Now (ages 18-36) as they become tomorrow’s parents, and Zoomers (ages 47-67) as they enter a new life stage. We constantly are monitoring data, trendspotting around the world and touching base with our exclusive Idea Nomad™ council to grab inspiration and bring excitement into our trend forecasting.


In the past few years, what has changed most in your business? How has your company met these challenges in the way you do your work?

The biggest change in our business has been an increasing diversity in industries in which we consult, which we love since it broadens our horizons for all clients. We now are monitoring consumer and design trends across many areas, including home, automotive, education, health care, hospitality, retail and multi-housing. Our team has met these challenges by expanding our resources.


You’ve presented in the Innovation Theater before and have a large following. What brings you back?

I have had the privilege to speak at the Show many times and it is one of my favorite venues. Housewares is in my heart from my professional experience and I love that the Show has successfully evolved over the years to bring in expanded categories and vendors as well as informative sessions. I always learn a lot when attending! I also love meeting so many people from a wide variety of companies.


·· Keep reading via housewares.org

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