
How to create your own Angel Investor Group

Angel Investor Group

An useful guide for emerging and frontier markets by infoDev

Publicado por LauraSL
viernes, 06 de junio de 2014 a las 15:25

The reader of this guide is invited to discover the steps needed to assess one’s community, identify risks, and addresses factors that may lead to failure.

The publication came from infoDev, a global multi-donor program in the World Bank Group, supports growth-oriented entrepreneurs through creative and path-breaking venture enablers. It assists entrepreneurs to secure appropriate early-stage financing; convening entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, mentors and other stakeholders for dialogue and action. We also produce cutting-edge knowledge products, closely linked to our work on the ground.

InfoDev's new Guide for Creating Your Own Angel Investor Group aims to educate entrepreneurs and angels from around the globe. It offers hands-on examples, such as financial worksheets, application forms, term sheets, contracts, and checklists that may be used as templates. This international edition is written specifically for newcomers to angel investing, and highlights the successes and challenges of angel groups in emerging and frontier markets.

Practical advice for setting up and running an angel network is illustrated from examples of new angels from around the world. More technical topics about the investment process are addressed briefly, and readers are directed to materials and courses that can give more thorough guidance on these issues.


·· Link:

Creating Your Own Angel Investor Group: A Guide for Emerging and Frontier Markets


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